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CONWAY on Club One New Releases.

CONWAY has been lucky enough to have been selected to record an episode of Club One New Releases this past summer for Bell Media that will air on Bell's Fiber Op's on demand. Now CONWAY has been lucky enough to be included in a contest for an opportunity to record an additional episode in the Caribbean this March.

We have to take this opportunity to say Thank-you everyone that made this contest so much fun. As we said before we already feel like winners because we found out just how many people support what we love to do. When we totaled up the combination of Shares, Likes, Views and Comments, we had over 40,000 impressions on Facebook alone from all of you. That number is not votes, just how many times you guys clicked Like or watched one of our silly videos. I know that everyone that voted didn't comment every time so the support is through the roof. Watson & Holmes Media, Bell Media and Fabian James will be announcing the winners on December 6th at 8:30 at a reception at the Bella Vista and we will be sure to post the results here right away. Once again, from the bottom of our hearts, Thank-you!!!

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